Monday, July 23, 2007

LLNL Here I Come!!!

Well, after what seemed to by forever, I am finally at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to collaborate with their Biophysics group on the DARPA project. Today being my first day, I ended up leaving early to get other work done since they couldn't figure out what safety classes I need to take. Since this is a government facility, my training might possibly include how to wipe my nose. With that being said, I had a few really productive meetings to plan out the upcoming project. Since the project is part of a competition for funding, I can't really describe it much but suffice it to say that it is using the sensor we have been working with for sometime now. I'll try and post a picture here pretty soon. It's nice to be home again after such a long break. In fact, I'll be leaving again on Friday to house-sit for one of my mom's friends. They have this sweet house in the next city over, and I'll have it all to myself. :)


Bryn said...

Dude, when are you going to start posting some recipes? You´re slacking...

Bryan said...

Lol, I was just about to post some pics and schtuff from my trip to Berkeley last Sunday. Not really recipes so much as a foodie field trip.

Bryn said...

Gold star! :) Foodie Field trips is a splendid idea. I can´t wait to show you some pics of the chocolate and ice cream I´ve been eating here.

Bryn said...

We should take a foodie field trip to Greece!